An unpublised Celtic tetrobol
Los 26
LOWER DANUBE. Uncertain tribe. Circa late 3rd to early 2nd century BC. Tetrobol (?) (Silver, 16 mm, 3.17 g, 3 h), 'Patraos' type (?). Celticized diademed male head to left. Rev. Celticized eagle with open wings standing front, head to right. Dembski -. Flesche -. Lanz -. OTA -. SLM -. Apparently unpublished save for its previous auction appearance. Minor traces of corrosion and with light marks, otherwise, good very fine.

From the L.I.M.B. Collection of Celtic coins, ex Roma XXIX, 9 November 2023, 29.

This unparalleled piece stands out for the fine depiction of a male head on the obverse, as well as for an eagle with spread wings on the reverse, which is otherwise unknown in Eastern Celtic coinage. Perhaps the type is derived from the tetrobols of Patraos, which the obverse head resembles, although the king of the skies on the reverse is depicted there with closed wings rather than spread.
500 CHF
400 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 19-Oct-24, 06:00:00 CEST
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